202421mar6:30 pm8:30 pmNot For Show: The Miracles of JesusTwo Thursday evenings, March 21 and 286:30 pm - 8:30 pm(GMT-04:00) Event Type :Online Course

Event Details

“Wow! Did you see what Jesus did? That miracle, that healing . . . it proves that He is God!” Is that all? Is that all we are supposed to understand from the miracles of Jesus recorded for us in the Gospels? That they are proof–demonstrations that He is divine? Or could there possibly be much more there than we typically notice?

When John reported Jesus’ first miracle (in John 2), he wrote that what Jesus did “displayed His glory” and resulted in His followers coming to trust in Him. Apparently, it wasn’t simply about Jesus’ identity as “God come in the flesh.”

In this two-evening intensive, we will look closely at a handful of miracles, selected from the Gospels, and ask the question: “What is Jesus really telling us about Himself by doing this?” When the Gospel writers give us close-up and detailed accounts of Jesus’ healing or miracles, we can be reasonably sure that they want us to understand something more than just that Jesus’ has power or that He is the Messiah. And Jesus wants us to know more about Him from the miracles than just clarity about His identity.

This class will meet online on two Thursday evenings, March 21 and 28, at 6:30 pm (EST). We offer classes at no charge, but ask you to register for the class so that we can plan accordingly. You will be sent a link for the class after you have registered.



(Thursday) 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm(GMT-04:00)

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