
Brian Onken

Brian Onken

Academic Director / Lead Instructor

With over three decades of experience in church and para-church ministry, Brian serves as the Academic Director and an instructor for The River. Brian has a Master’s Degree in Biblical Studies from Talbot Seminary and pursued additional doctoral-level course work in theology, obtaining a second Master’s Degree in Theology from Regent University.

He has pastored in both large and small churches, served in leadership roles in two church plants, and served as a lead researcher/teacher for the Christian Research Institute and for Walk Thru the Bible. He has taught in Bible schools and discipleship programs in Romania, the Caribbean, as well as here in the States.

He was a contributing author to the award-winning Discover God Study Bible, having written the introductions to all the New Testament books as well as content and study notes for a significant portion of the New Testament. Married for over thirty years, Brian has two grown kids. After having lived in the Midwest, the West Coast, and Mexico, he loves calling the Upstate home.

Paul Clark

Paul Clark


Paul moved to in Greenville from the Northeast while in high school and graduated from Bob Jones University in 1986. He is a business owner and leadership developer, trying to speak the truth in love in his business and personal relationships. Having served as a pastor, elder and teacher in the local church, he wants to see the Body of Christ strengthened, church leaders encouraged, and the Gospel advanced into the community. He loves shooting pictures, cooking breakfast, writing creatively, and traveling to distant places. He also enjoys a quiet drive in the country with Lisa, his best friend of 35 years, or admiring their 2 adult kids offering up an impromptu duet on a single guitar.

Paul has been an active board member of The River since its inception in 2013. He loves the way Jesus uses the members of His Body to minister to each other. Paul takes great delight in watching the the truth of God’s Word being communicated in a classroom setting, and seeing the Spirit bring light into the eyes and into the lives of the hearers. This has been a primary driver for his involvement with The River. An active member of Summit Church (Cherrydale campus), Paul has the opportunity to use his teaching giftedness. Paul also serves in a teaching capacity for The River.

Stephen Enjaian

Stephen Enjaian


A native of California, Stephen earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees in teaching history from Bob Jones University. He taught middle and high school history and government for ten years in Christian schools in Southern California and South Carolina.

Having participated in numerous River classes from its inception, Stephen was fired with excitement to “spread the Word.” He has taught several River-style classes in his church to equip others to read the Bible for themselves, and to understand and discover their Spirit gifts. He also has met with dozens of men, individually and in groups, to read Scripture and think together about the implications for our shared life with Jesus.

Married for 35 years, with four adult children, Stephen continues to pursue opportunities to teach others to understand the Bible for themselves, and train them to teach others to do the same. He is delighted to partner with The River in that pursuit.

Some Upcoming Courses

202513feb6:30 pm8:30 pmWhy Are You in Despair?Thursday evenings, online, Feb 13 and 206:30 pm - 8:30 pm(GMT-05:00) Event Type :Online Course

202525feb6:30 pm8:30 pmInto This Life: Romans 8Tuesday evening, online, Feb 256:30 pm - 8:30 pm(GMT-05:00) Event Type :Online Course