Course Overview

Courses To Help You Grow With Jesus

The primary focus of The River is helping you read and understand and apply the Bible in your own life so that you can grow in faith and joy in Christ. We realize that everyone is on their own journey and may be at various stages of growth. That’s why we provide a variety of courses to make sure you can select those that meet you right where you are. And in each of the courses, you’ll be encouraged to engage with the text yourself. Our classes are not lectures. You won’t simply be told what to think but invited into reading and wrestling with what the passage in view means.

Course Schedules To Fit Your Busy Life
Our courses are presented in a modular format. Typically, they will meet once a week over a period of a few weeks. This allows you to participate without unduly disrupting your regular schedule. Each course is designed to cover the text or topic in view in a thorough yet efficient way. And, all of our basic courses are free for the participants.

Courses Centered Around The Word
Each course is designed to immerse participants in Biblical texts as the foundation for everything taught and they all reflect the broad consensus of historic evangelical teaching. Instructors for the courses are seasoned and gifted Bible teachers who not only share the vision for this ministry, but are also practitioners, not mere theoreticians.

Reading Scripture: Our Foundational Course
This fundamental course is offered multiple times throughout the year and lays the groundwork for learning to read Scripture well. The other classes are offered in rotation. For your convenience, the stream of classes can be entered at just about any point. Our goal is to make reading and understanding the Word of God accessible for everyone.

Here is a sample of the kinds of courses offered throughout the year: 

  • Not For Show: An exploration of the miracles of Jesus
  • Maybe Not  a Wicked Prophet: A directed reading in the book of Jonah
  • Gospel Essentials: A discussion of the first five chapters of Romans
  • That You May Believe: What we can learn about believing from the Gospel of John
  • How it All Began: Reflections on the opening chapters of the book of Acts
  • Words from the Last Old Testament Prophet: Exploring Malachi
  • Learning from One Who Prayed: Studies in the prayers of Paul
  • A Vocabulary of Worship: What we can learn from the language found in Psalms
  • Portrait of a Savior: A deep dive into Isaiah 53
  • The Incomparable Christ: Studies in the book of Colossians
  • Paul on Spiritual Gifts: A look at 1 Corinthians 12-14
  • Sigh: Lamenting While Believing: Learning to lament from the Psalms
  • Understanding our Blessed Life: Digging into Ephesians 1
  • Galatians: Spirit not Rule: Learning about the problem of legalism from Galatians 
  • Into This Life: Anchoring our thoughts about new life in Romans 8
  • Haggai: God’s Thoughts About The Temple: The implications of Haggai for a life of worship


“I am thoroughly enjoying the classes offered through The River. I love reading the Word, but I have often felt I was missing so much. The classes have removed that burden by helping me learn just to read the words as they are written and ask myself what the Spirit-inspired author wants me to know.”

Gail Kreiser

Some Upcoming Courses

202527mar6:30 pm8:30 pmMalachi: Words from the Last Old Testament ProphetOnline, Thursday, March 276:30 pm - 8:30 pm(GMT-04:00) Event Type :Online Course

202510apr6:30 pm8:30 pmReading Scripture (In Person)Six-weeks, Thursday evenings, beginning Apr 106:30 pm - 8:30 pm(GMT-04:00) Event Type :In person class

202522apr6:30 pm8:30 pmA Vocabulary of Worship: PsalmsThree Tuesday evenings, April 1, 8, 156:30 pm - 8:30 pm(GMT-04:00) Event Type :Online Course