This six evening course will equip you to read and understand the Bible for yourself. Unlike some Bible study methods and books, this class starts with what you already know about reading and applies it to reading Scripture, rather than starting with what you don’t know. The class is filled with “lab time” where you will experience the joy of personal discovery in reading the Bible.
After a recent “Reading Scripture” course, Lindsay W wrote: “We finished the 6-week course last night, and I am blown away by how much I learned, how insightful the course was, and how FUN it can be to read and enjoy God’s Word. When I began reading the Bible years ago, it was out of duty and obligation. Several years ago, I joined a local Bible Study Fellowship group, and my love for God’s Word grew immensely, but I still wasn’t ‘excited’ about it. After taking this course, I can honestly say that I am EXCITED to read and understand God’s Word.”
This course will meet in person for six Sunday evenings, starting
January 26 (Jan 26, Feb 2, 9, 16, 23, Mar 2), meeting from 6 pm until 8 pm each evening. The class is being hosted by Victor Baptist Church, Greer, CA, but is open to others to attend.
Although there is no charge for the class, we would like you to register if you would like to attend so that we can plan accordingly. Each attendee will be provided with a course notebook.