Explore the River Blog

When You End Up Sitting Under Poor Teaching

In writing to Timothy, Paul encouraged him to give himself to exercise his gift of teaching—to be devoted to teaching—so that “his progress could be evident to all” (1 Timothy 4:13–16). This must mean that as gifted as Timothy was, he could get better in his...

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A Big Idea About “the Big Story of the Bible”

It’s common to hear—from many sources and many teachers—about the need to grasp “the big story of the Bible.” The idea is that one needs not only to know what the big story is but that apart from knowing the big story one cannot read and understand Scripture....

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No Expert Needed

There are times when you want—and need—an expert opinion. Your car is making a peculiar (and new) noise, but only when you turn to the left. You look under the car and try to assess the problem and find nothing amiss (at least to your relatively untrained eye). So,...

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Well, Couldn’t It Mean . . . ?

Often when you enter into a conversation with another person about a book you've read or a movie you've seen, when it comes to discussing a particular line in the movie or a paragraph in the book you might hear, "Well, what I understand that to mean is . . . " or...

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Easter Ripples

You've undoubtedly seen it happen. A stone is tossed into a lake or a pebble dropped in a pond. You notice the immediate point of impact. But then, as you watch, you see the ripples. Moving out from that center of impact, ripples spread out. An ever-widening circle...

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Seeing the Resurrection by Hearing and Reading

After the resurrection, two of those who had been following Jesus for some time were on their way from Jerusalem back to their home in Emmaus. They weren’t part of the inner circle of twelve, but they were readily identified as “disciples” of Jesus (Luke 24:13–35)...

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The Challenge of Living in Reality

What is it that has happened to those who have come to believe in Jesus? What is the common, widely shared implications for life for those who have trusted in Jesus as their Savior? It seems that one of the typical answers to such questions is simply this: Jesus...

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It Matters That You Read Scripture Well

I was sitting in a coffee shop with a friend–a pastor–talking through Mark. We were deeply engaged in what Mark wrote, seeking to get in on what the Spirit inspired him to record for our benefit. As we drew our conversation to a close, a gentleman at a neighboring...

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How Would You Know What’s Next?

Today begins. And, for most of us, we have either a mental list or written list (or electronic schedule) of the things we intend to get down today. We want the day to be fruitful, to be significant; we don't want to simply waste the hours. So we plan and prepare...

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Between Now and Then

Let’s begin with a little good news: You are alive . .  . today . . . reading this. God has granted you the breath of life for another day. His lovingkindness is new and fresh every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23). That’s a sweet gift, rightly to be enjoyed. But...

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202525feb6:30 pm8:30 pmInto This Life: Romans 8Tuesday evening, online, Feb 256:30 pm - 8:30 pm(GMT-05:00) Event Type :Online Course

202527feb6:30 pm8:30 pmOur Blessed Life: Ephesians 1Thursday evening, February 276:30 pm - 8:30 pm(GMT-05:00) Event Type :Online Course

202504mar6:30 pm8:30 pmJesus on Prayer: Luke 11Online class, Tuesdays, March 4, 116:30 pm - 8:30 pm(GMT-05:00) Event Type :Online Course

202506mar6:30 pm8:30 pmWho Is He?Three consecutive Thursday evenings beginning March 66:30 pm - 8:30 pm(GMT-05:00) Event Type :Online Course Event Tagsthree-evenings